Birthmark Removal

Approximately five percent of people are born with one or more type of skin discolorations commonly referred as birthmarks. Birthmarks may be vascular in nature (ranging from flat capillary hemangiomas or port wine stains to large raised vascular growths or hemangiomas.) or pigmented in nature like naevus of ota and cafe au lait macules.

  • Port Wine Stain 
  • Hemangioma
  • Nevus of Ota 
  • Cafe Au Lait 
Until the 1990s, doctors didn’t have the technology necessary to effectively remove birthmarks. Due to the introduction of high-energy pulsing lasers, birthmarks can now be removed with precision and ease. An added benefit of these laser treatments is that they are nearly pain-free. So, if you have birthmarks that you find unattractive or irritating, you may now be able to have them removed .Fortunately new advances in laser surgery have enabled us to remove or improve many of these conditions.

At Skin Mantraa we have pigment lesion lasers capable of treating nearly all type of birthmarks.