IPL Photo Facial/Laser facial (Full Face Photorejuvenation)

In today’s era, you are constantly on the go, however, you deserve, a little pampering once in a while. Photo rejuvenation involves a series of full face, gentle, pulsed light treatments intended to improve the appearance of sun damaged and aged skin. This therapy can smoothen uneven facial coloration, eliminate brown spots, reduce facial flushing and erase visible blood vessels and gives you a more youthful appearance.

In addition there is no down time from work and typically developed for those people for whom time and appearance are essential. It can also be performed on the neck, upper chest and back of hands where sun damage often is more visible.

At Skin Mantraa, we follow a combination therapy comprising of three unique treatments proven to be highly effective in reversing the effects of time. They are Microdermabrasion (skin polishing) followed by US FDA approved photo rejuvenation (variable pulse light) in rotation with Glycolic peels.